Continuation of Membership 2024/25

As discussed at the latest General Committee Meeting, please find attached an application form for all wishing to continuing your membership with the Aberdeenshire Amateur FA in season 2024/25.

If your club is continuing to play within this Association next season (2024/25) please complete the form and return it to Martin Smith NO LATER THAN 30th APRIL 2024.

All parts of the form MUST be completed and be legible.

Along with the form, must be a cheque (NO CASH) for £175.00 made payable to AAFA. Internet banking is also available. (Detail contained in attached form).

Also, along with the form, I will require a copy of a First Aid / Sports Certificate. Even if you sent one for last season, copy it again, and send with your form.



Association Trophy / Dickie Trophy Sponsor

Association Sponsor

North of Scotland Cup Sponsor

Asset 8